
Sunday, August 20, 2006

Manchester Gallery revisited

Some months back (february), I did a days facilitating at Manchester Art Gallery. Mandy, Nicky and I worked with about ten carers who were taking a much needed break from their usual duties. For a period of ten weeks they were to visit the gallery and be creative. The end outcome being a piece of ceramic work. Along the way they also incoporated text into the project.

I have been meaning to go and see the finished work for a couple of months at least, but with the new baby and the wedding and changing of jobs etc etc etc, I ain't quite got around to it, until today that is. The teapot, along with a whole host of other works is in the Gallery of Crafgt and Design on the 2nd floor. It is accompanied by a book which recounts the project from start to end.

It made me a bit emotional to be honest. It can be quite odd seeing it, the work, the concept, become 'real'. Ah well, just me being soft I suppose.

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