
Thursday, November 17, 2005

I get a response....the one I was hoping for.

I'm very happy about this as it means I can finally get some training and experience that centres around what I'd like to do for a career.

Dear Mark,

I am delighted to tell you that you have been offered a bursary and traineeship on the Taking the Plunge professional development programme for writers.
This scheme is being run by the National Association for Writers in Education and Manchester Metropolitan University (Association for Creative Writing and English)
The bursary will cover all the fees for the training, and in addition, you can claim some travel and subsistence costs to the shadowing placements.
Can you please let me know if you can make the seminar dates that we have already in place
Dates for 4 days worth of shadowing to be confirmed – but likely to take place between January 2006 and May 2006.
Can you please also let me know if you would like to take up this offer, and I will be back in touch with a date before Christmas so that we could meet up and give you more information about what is involved.

Very much look forward to hearing from you

Best wishes




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